Blog Update and Changes!
/This is not my typical blog post.
Today I'm filling you in on what you can expect this year from me and Take Control Tuesdays because some changes are being made!
What changes and why?
The biggest Take Control Tuesday change is I won't be doing weekly videos anymore. I'll still be posting videos, just less frequently, which will grant me time to make them even better. I will however, continue to keep in contact every Tuesday with my email list and post new (and more!) recipes and blog postings on my website.
In addition to my new position at the University of South Carolina (Lead Nutritionist -- woo hoo!), I'll now be spending more time creating courses for you that will teach you every single thing you need to know to make comprehensive diet and lifestyle changes. These courses will teach you exactly how you can lose weight for good without dieting and ensure you don't have to go on cholesterol medications in the next few years, which is why you're reading this to begin with right?
I'll also be working on website updates and my branding. New photos will be added soon (look below for a sneak peek) and I'll also be creating useful (and beautiful!) products to help you eat more whole, plant foods -- woo hoo!
A sample of the up-coming photos you can expect to see on the website.
Just know I'm not going anywhere! Although I'll be posting less videos I'm still working hard behind the scenes and always love love love, hearing from you!
And I'd love love love to hear from you right now because I want your feedback! Please answer today's Take Control Now Question by clicking 'comment' below...