The 'Eat ONE New Plant-Based Meal' Challenge

Is it a challenge for you to eat more plant-based meals?  Do you find it's challenging to keep meals exciting?  Today I'm going to help you overcome this.  How?

While challenging you to eat one new plant-based meal, I'm also giving you 4 implementation steps to ensure you make this happen.

If you're already eating a lot of plant-based meals (good for you!), your challenge is to try one NEW meal.  On the other hand, if plant-based meals aren’t really your thing, your goal is to eat one meal that is made entirely of whole, plant foods. 

Now you may be thinking "ok I'm going to do this" but things always come up right?  Kids have to get to hockey, then there's book club, volunteer work and so on. 

So, to ensure you actually eat this meal, here are my 4 implementation steps.

Step 1.  Decide how much time you have to make a meal

Take out your calendar/planner.  Yes seriously, go get it right now. 

Open it up… what does your next week looks like?  How much time will you have to cook? 

If you have a lot going on, choosing a quick and simple new recipe might be better for you.  Or, if you have more free time, then a maybe you'd like to cook a more intricate meal?

Step 2.  Pick a new recipe that fits your time frame

Take note when your recipe browsing...

- How long will it take to prepare?

- Who are you cooking for?  Yourself of your family?

- Are you already familiar with the ingredients?

When you're choosing a recipe, it should be made of...

- whole, plant foods (no animal products) and

- ideally, oil-free to save you 100s of unnecessary calories

Below are some yummy recipes to help you get started.  You can also find more of my favorite recipes on my Pinterest board, 'Family Recipes' (@TrishaMandes).    

Additionally, when you sign up for email updates at you get a FREE resource guide that will give you the BEST recipe websites delivered instantly to your inbox.  Yee-ha!

Here are a few recipes that adhere to my guidelines AND taste delicious!

Burrito bowl from Cathy Fisher (yes I love her recipes!)

Stuffed baked potatoes from Cathy Fisher

Sweet potato salad from Cathy Fisher

BBQ beans and greens from Cathy Fisher

Banana Ice-Cream from Trisha Mandes

Ambrosia Fruit Salad from PCRM (kids love this recipe!)

Once you've picked your recipe you're ready for the next step.

Step 3.  Make a grocery list and save it where you can't forget it!

And this is even easier with cell phones.  You can simply look-up the recipe from your phone in the store, or keep a grocery list stored in your phone. 

Just remember to keep it somewhere where you won't forget it.  In your phone, the car glove box or your wallet.

Step 4.  Schedule shopping and cooking dates

As Marie Forleo says, "If it's not scheduled, it's not real."

Again, open up your calendar and schedule… (if you were watching the video right now, you'd see some dancing and hear from Finnish hip-hop music!)

- When are you going to go shop?  Write in your planner the date, time and store or stores you will visit.

- When are you going to cook?  Write in your planner the date, time and for whom you'll cook. 

Now it's time for you to implement this information, hold yourself accountable AND motivate others to follow-through as well.  To do this, I want you to enter the following information in the comments section at the end of this article.  Let me and the community know…

Take Control Now

1.  What recipe did you choose?  Include the recipe's direct website link.  You might find something someone else would like to try.

2.  Write the date, time and place you're going to shop AND cook.

I encourage you to do this challenge with a friend or family member.  Share this video and article  with them and have them sign up for email updates at so we can all do this together.  We all do better when we have support!  

Get educated, get support and take control.  You can get the healthy body you deserve.