Last week was one of the first times I ever said to my husband… “I don’t think I can do this.”
Not about our marriage (my man is my wings and I love him to pieces!) but this freakishly (actually normal) hot weather in Columbia, SC. So hot in fact that the city prides itself on its nickname — “famously hot.” Ugh. (I’m a PA native — a snow shoeing, winter jacket lover!).
You step outside on 100 degree days here with full humidity and you feel like you’ve run into a brick wall — of heat. Bam! The only way to beat the heat is AC and swimming. Lots of swimming aka lots of bathing suit wearing. Hopefully.
Now I know you may not feel 100% confident in a bathing suit (but you should because FIRST NAME you're gorgeous! And I mean that :). But I know that once you start losing weight and regaining your health in a healthy way, your bathing suit confidence will sky rocket because you’re taking care of yourself, getting results and not having to “eat less” do it. And that feels freakin awesome.
To help you do just that, today I’m sharing with you… “13 plant-based snacks that satisfy your palate and trim your waistline.” They’re office friendly too because I know you’re continuing to kick ass at work this summer and if healthy snacks and a happy bathing suit body are going to be realistic, they need to fit into your busy schedule. So here goes...
13 plant-based snacks that satisfy your palate and trim your waistline
1. Air popped popcorn sprayed with Bragg’s Liquid Amino Acids (tastes like soy sauce) with nutritional yeast heavily sprinkled on top (tastes like cheesy goodness without the cholesterol and saturated fat. In fact, it's all vitamins and an absorbable source of vitamin B12). And if you like some heat, add some hot sauce too. PS Kids love this -- especially if you call the nutritional yeast "fairy dust" and skip the hot sauce. FYI This snack can leave your fingers a bit messy so if you're typing and eating, just stick with the plain popcorn. Learn how to pop it at work (without oil or butter) here.
2. Boxed soups. Dr. McDougall's are my favorite. Especially, his chili bean and tortilla soups. LOVE them. You can also order them online or buy them in most grocery stores. If you're in Columbia, SC, try Pacific's Spicy Black Bean and kale soup from almost any grocery store in town.
3. Dried soup cups. Again Dr. McDougall's dried soup cups are my go to. They're the healthiest friggin' soups you'll find and they taste good (as good as a dried soup cups can be). These are great to store in your office or take camping. As long as you have access to hot hot water, you're good to go!
4. Sweet potato fries. For snack? Oh hell yes! I've even brought them through airport security! When you eat them Trishy style, you're just eating sweet potato and spices because we always skips 100s of extra calories by not using oil. Oil is the most calorie dense food in the planet. There's 120 calories in just 1 tablespoon. Consistently skipping oil is one of the most important steps to take to rocking your bathing suit loud and proud. I've been eating sweet potato fries for years because they're just that good and simple. Like really simple -- cut, sprinkle on spices and broil. Done.
5. Leftovers. Eat a smaller portion of dinner from the night before. You're more likely to eat something healthy if you're eating dinner left-overs than M&Ms or trail mix from the office vending machine. Make left-overs on purpose. Pack a small tupperware of left-over veggie lasagna or black bean burrito with a cashew sour cream dip. This way you're also eating veggies but aren't starved from eating carrot sticks and celery.
6. Romaine hearts dipped in oil-free hummus. Yay for eating dark leafy greens every day. Yes for eating veggies for snack and yes for eating veggies and them filling you up! Hummus is made from garbanzo beans which are a Foundational Filling Food. You could also toast a slice of 100% whole grain bread (I love Ezekiel), spread hummus on top and then add a few romaine leaves to top it off. This is goodness. And it's easy.
7. Mini veggie and bean burrito. Wrap up left-over rice and beans and some spinach leaves in a 100% whole wheat or corn tortilla and bam you have a filling snack to hold you through one more meeting before picking up the kids from dance class.
8. Baked potato. Yes I want you to eat potatoes! Not only are they packed with nutrition, but they're super filling! And what happens when you're full? You stop eating! Now that's appretite suppression. Bake a tray of potatoes and save them for the whole week. Top them with corn, salsa, cashew sour cream, ketchup, yellow mustard, boxed black bean soup or even hummus tastes great.
9. Daily desserts. Forget the left-over cake in the break room (really don't touch it). Try a daily dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth instead. So healthy, you could eat them for breakfast.
10. Jicama sticks. Jicama!? Jicama is a root vegetable (pronounced hic-a-ma) that's crisp, refreshing and used in a lot of Mexican cooking. It tastes great cut into sticks plain, or with a with a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of cayenne pepper or chili powder. This is one veggie, that because it's a Foundational Filling Food, is actually satiating. You can buy the veggie whole (it looks like a brown ball the size of a softball), or you can buy them already peeled and sliced which may make you more likely to eat it.
11. Cereal. Keep 100% whole grain cereal and some honey, raisins and cinnamon stashed at the office (I personally enjoy Shredded Wheat or Grape Nuts) and then with a "juice carton" of almond milk (and fresh fruit if you have it) you'll have yourself a big ol' bowl of crunchy adolescent goodness.
12. Veggie english muffins. Toast 100% whole grain english muffins (again the Ezekial brand are my jam) and then spread avocado on top, a sprinkle of dried dill and salt, sliced cucumber, red onion and tomato on top and presto, you've got yourself another filling snack with veggies! I just had middle schoolers make these as a healthy breakfast for a nutrition and cooking camp and they liked it! If a 6th grader can eat this for breakfast, you can eat it as a snack.
13. Corn on the cob. It's June and that means fresh sweet corn! Microwave it at the office. Simply put the corn with the husk in the microwave and heat for 3 minutes. Then let it cool until the kernels are cool enough to handle (go fill up your water bottle, walk up and down the building stairs one time or go to the bathroom. Once you come back to the break room, it should be cool). Then spread a lime wedge all over that baby and sprinkle with cajun seasoning. Or, for a buttery taste, spread avocado over it and sprinkle with salt. That is some real deliciousness I tell ya!
Share your voice!
Share one of your favorite filling plant-based snacks OR try a new one on the list and let me know if it was a good "work snack."
Click 'comment' below to answer then share with someone who'd love to see this post!
Love and Leafy Greens,