How Karen Shed 40 Pounds Sustainably and Reduced Her Arthritis Pain By 98%!

Karen was 69 years old when she found the courage to ask me to help her Shed Pounds Sustainably (here she is πŸ’–) and what happened, exceeded her expectations....

Karen was suffering from arthritis pain from head to toe especially in her hands and back. The pain was affecting her ability to complete daily chores at home -- she couldn't keep up. She was losing stamina to take walks with her husband.  She could no longer walk to the lake and back with her husband (for the last few years!).  She would have to turn around halfway through and felt very defeated. She was discouraged and felt that she was entering a realm of disability.  

Karen had tried numerous diet programs with no success and felt that she was never going to shed pounds sustainably until she did this one life changing thing...

Karen hired me, Nutritionist, Trisha Mandes, MPHN, as her personal Nutritionist to help her Shed Pounds Sustainably and improve her health.  

After 6 months of working with me and eating optimally (a massive win in and of itself!), Karen...

πŸ”₯ Shed 40 lbs without buying products, pills, counting or weighing food.  Amazing! 
πŸ”₯ Reduced her arthritis pain by 98%.  Also -- amazing!
πŸ”₯ She's not scared of falling anymore so she's no longer moving in fear! 
πŸ”₯ Has increased energy to do everyday tasks around the house.
πŸ”₯ Is able to take long walks with her husband to the lake again!
πŸ”₯ Feels like she has her LIFE back.
πŸ”₯ Knows she can eat optimally for the rest of her life and loves what she's eating.

Click the video below to listen to Karen tell you her story in her own words…

Cheers to shedding pounds sustainably in a healthy, lasting way AND never giving up on yourself... no matter how old you are! 

I'm so glad Karen didn't!

In Your Corner, 


P.S. I'd love to chat with you to see if/how I can also help you Shed Pounds Sustainably!  Do you want that too?  If so, sign up for a complimentary chat with me here and I'll let you know if/how I can help you Shed Pounds Sustainably and what results are possible for you and the unique miracle you are.  Karen's results exceeded her own expectations.  Let's see if we can do that for you too πŸ˜‰. Schedule a complimentary time to chat with me here.

Why Surgery + Meds Won't Save Your Heart

You probably know someone with heart disease or someone whose died from it.  My grandmother died when she was just 52 from a heart attack.  She didn't even make it to my first birthday.  My grandfather -- congestive heart failure.

Many people feel a naive sense of security when diagnosed with heart disease, high cholesterol or blood pressure.  Why?  Because there's "medication and surgery that will save you!"  For most people, that's just WRONG!

Even with technologically advanced surgeries and new medications, heart disease still kills 385,000 Americans annually, while another 715,000 Americans have a heart attack each year (1).

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr, internationally renowned clinician at the Cleveland Clinic, writes how currently modern cardiology is a complete failure, in an article published in the American Journal of Cardiology.

Esselstyn cites Forrester, JS when he writes... "modern cardiology has given up on curing heart disease.  Its aggressive interventions -- coronary artery bypass graft, atherectomy, angioplasty and stunting -- do not reduce the frequency of new heart attacks or prolong survival except in small subsets of patients" (2).

Modern cardiology is treating the symptoms of disease -- pain and high biomarkers, not the underlying cause of the disease which is from diet and lifestyle.  As Dr. McDougall commonly says, "it's the food!"

It's important you understand there are other means for treating heart disease other than risky surgery and expensive medication.  Dr. Caldwell Essestyn Jr. and Dr. Dean Ornish have both stopped the progression of and reversed heart disease via diet and lifestyle changes (2), (3).  

Unfortunately, your doctor probably won't present this research as a viable treatment option to you.  Likewise, your doctor probably won't advocate for your cholesterol to be below 150 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) which was the goal of Esselstyn's patients.

Esselstyn notes in his article (citing Castelli) that "in the Framingham study, people with cholesterol between 150 and 200 mg/dL accounted for 35%  of those with coronary heart disease."  

You can still have heart disease with a 'good' cholesterol level of less than 200 mg/dL advocated by your doctor and the American Heart Association! (4)

Esselstyn continues to cite Castelli stating that "amongst those with levels <150 mg/dL, heart disease was rarely encountered" (2).

If you're interested in lowering your cholesterol levels via diet and are looking for support from your doctor, here is a PDF from the Phycisian's Committee for Responsible Medicine that you can take to share with your doctor.  It references Dr. Ornish's work and gives you practical tips for lowering your cholesterol levels.

Too many doctors are either unaware of this information or just aren't informing their patients.  But it's important you know you have options.  And if you need support and guidance through the transition, I am always here to help.

Take Control Now

Is your total cholesterol above or below 150 mg/dL or 3.9 mmol/L?  

Now is the time to find out and put your answer in the comments section below!

1.  CDC.  Heart Disease Facts. August 2013.  Accessed online Feb. 2014.  

2.  Esselstyn, CB Jr. Updating a 12-Year Experience with Arrest and Reversal Therapy for Coronary Heart Disease (An Overdue Requiem for Palliative Cardiology. American Journal of Cardiology. 1999: 81; August 1 339-341.  

3. Ornish D et al. Intensive lifestyle changes for coronary heart disease. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1998 Dec 16;280(23):2001-7.

4. American Heart Association. What your cholesterol levels mean.  Dec. 2012. Accessed online Feb. 2014.