How to Get Your Husband to Eat Healthier

Whether your husband is dealing with type II diabetes, chronic knee pain or just a big ol’ gut, you know he would be happier, live longer, have a greater sex drive and wouldn’t be in such pain if he would just eat healthier!

What makes it even worse is that sometimes his unhealthy habits rub off on you, so you really want to change him!

How do you get him to change his habits and eat healthier -- more whole plant food and less refined and animal foods?

This question can be answered in just two words... stop trying.

He has to want to do it on his own.  It’s unfortunate, but the people we are closest to and love most are often, the most difficult to help.  

If you nag or nudge him constantly to change his ways, you run the risk of pushing him away... turning him off from eating healthy all together.

The most effective thing you can do is work towards optimal health yourself.  Set a positive example for him and don’t make any comments to him on your journey like “see I can do it, you should do it too” or anything along those lines.

Once you adopt a whole-foods, plant-based diet and begin working (or should I say eating) towards that, you’ll begin to lose weight (without calorie restriction) and it’s likely you’ll lose 1-3 pounds per week.  

Your skin may also improve, your energy will increase, you may become a calmer, less grumpy or depressed person, reduce or eliminate your medication and you may feel sexier.  All while you’re eating loads of delicious food and not restricting how much you eat.

Your hubby will notice your amazing results... he’ll see how quickly and deliciously positive changes will come and this will inspire him to start eating healthy on his own.

And if it doesn't, eating like crap is his choice -- a choice you'll have to accept.  Just remember that taking care of yourself is one of the best things you can do for him and your children.

                Take Control Now Question

Have you ever damaged a relationship or pushed people away from ‘food preaching’?  Have you successfully inspired a friend to change their habits from setting a positive example?

Share your insights by clicking ‘comments’ below.

15 Healthy Halloween Treats for Trick-or-Treaters

Halloween is creeping upon us... mwahahahaha.  Which means, midget robots, witches, ninjas and clowns will be knocking at your door for a trick or a treat.

If you aren’t graced by cuties in costumes for trick or treat night, maybe your students, your children or grandchildren will be engaging in ‘treating’ at school (or your staff at work for that matter).  

If this is the case, I want you to have the opportunity to be prepared with healthy alternative Halloween treats to help you and your kids not eat endless amounts of junk this Halloween.

Why is this even important?  Shouldn’t kids be able to eat candy for Halloween?

Yes, kids should be able to have treats for special occasions.  The problem is your child may eat pounds of candy for Halloween, then Thanksgiving comes, then Christmas, New Years and then Valentine’s Day is right around the corner.  Not to mention all the birthdays in between AND the daily servings of refined foods, meat and dairy you and your child are most likely eating and all of this adds up!

Ridding yourself and your kid's dietary pattern of these foods are a must if you want them to be lean and healthy adults.  It's never too late to start.

And psst… you don't have to not let your kid trick-or-treat or have any Halloween candy, but set boundaries to how much they can eat (a few pieces on Halloween night) and explain to them why you can't eat 5 pounds of candy in one month.

Likewise, kids are more likely to remember the experience of trick-or-treating at your house than the actually candy you give them.  Light the driveway with candles or scare them from the bushes… that will make the below 'treats' more enjoyable for kids.

So, here they are….

15 Halloween Treats for Trick-or-Treaters

  1. Mini boxes of raisins (I've done this in the past and parents have appreciated it)
  2. Cups of unsweetened applesauce
  3. Baggies of dried fruit
  4. Trailmix
  5. Peanuts in their shells
  6. Small packs of pistachios
  7. Granola bars
  8. Lar bars (like a granola bar, but made only of dried fruit and nuts and pricey)
  9. Clementines (draw spooky faces on their skin with a permeant marker.  They look like mini pumpkins!)
  10. Bananas (glue on googly eyes to make it a funny face)
  11. Packets of popcorn without oil or butter they can pop at home
  12. Fruit leathers (I use to get these for Easter as a little girl and loved them)
  13. Pencils with a Halloween theme
  14. Erasers that look like bats or ghosts
  15. Stickers (what kid wouldn't love these!)

Or, you can always just trick them! 

Take Control Now

Which healthy Halloween 'treat' would you serve?  Have another idea?

Please answer by clicking 'comments' below.

How to Safely Gain Weight

Do you know anyone who wants to gain weight?  (Lol yes those people do exist).

Before you close this article because you don't think it applies to you, stop, because it does.

One of the most important things you can do to take control of your diet and your weight to get the long-term health results you want, is to have a complete and whole understanding of nutrition and what causes weight loss and weight gain.  The more you understand and learn about the big picture no matter what weight you're trying to move towards, the easier it will be for you to achieve your health goals.  

So listen up because today I give you 3 things you need to do to gain weight (or not do if you want to lose weight).

How to (Safely) Gain Weight

1.  The first thing you need to know before you start the weight gain venture is… do you really need to gain weight!?

In the land of the USA where 69% of Americans are overweight and 35% are obese (1) skinny people look abnormal!  Lean people now look like misfits compared to 30 to 50 years ago. 

This promotes comments such as "that boy needs some meat on his bones" when ideally, being as lean as possible without being underweight is optimal -- the best weight to be at.   

Before you start implementing my below weight-gaining tips, make sure you really need to gain weight.  How do you do this?

Check your BMI here.  If you're at a normal weight, great!  Know you're where you're supposed to be.  If not...

2.  Eat more food

I've noticed this frequently, especially with hard-working men.  When they're highly focused and working they just don't eat!  If you want to gain weight you have to eat food and you're going to have to eat more of it.

If you traditionally eat a meat and cheese sandwich for lunch and are now substituting that for an avocado veggie sandwich, you're going to be eating less calories for the same quantity of food.  

So, you're going to have to either eat 2 sandwiches and or eat it with a baked sweet potato or a box of black bean soup.  Additionally, you should eat snacks or mini-meals between your meals.

Starting to eat more food and interrupting your work to eat it, is nothing but a big ol' HABIT.  You need to start doing it everyday and after a 1-3 months, this habit will stick and will become second nature.  Set an alarm on your watch for the same break and lunch times each day.  When it goes off, eat! (no matte what!)

3.  Eat more high calorie dense foods

Calorie density is a measurement of the amount of calories per volume of any given food.  This means some foods will have more calories even though they're in a small amount of food and these are great for someone trying to gain weight.

Why?  Because they're an easy way for you to get more calories in your diet without having to eat food that will contribute to you getting chronic disease (or erectile dysfunction) later in life (skinny people die of heart attacks too).

Healthy, calorie-dense foods include...

- Processed 100% whole grains such as whole-grain breads, crackers, pitas, tortillas, english muffins etc (I love Ezekiel whole-grain flour products)

- Juice and drinks.  Calories consumed in liquid form don't prevent people from eating less in food form.  Great news for weight-gaining wanna-bees.  Choose 100% fruit juice or add plant-milk to your oatmeal or smoothies instead of water.

- Dried fruit.  Because the water has been removed from the fruit, dried fruit isn't as filling as fresh fruit.  You can easily eat 2 TB of raisins and still be hungry versus the same amount of calories in grapes.  Add dried fruit to your meals or eat as snacks.

- High-fat plant foods such as olives, nuts, seeds, coconut, avocado and whole soy products can be added more generously to your meals to increase the caloric-density of your food.  Add an extra TB of ground flax seed to your oatmeal (along with dried fruit and plant-milk) and you'll easily add more calories to this important meal.

Take Control Now

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Share your comments by clicking 'comment' below.


1.  CDC, Overweight and Obesity FastStats. Accessed online Oct. 2014 at

How to Stop Eating Junk Regularly

I have a confession to make… I've been eating foods regularly that I tell you not to eat!  Like cake, (4 times in one week, ahh!).

My guidelines for treats are to eat them on special occasions only (chocolate on Valentines day, cake on grandma's 80th birthday etc.) and to eat them outside of the house to avoid over-eating which will impede on your health and weight-loss goals.  

Why did I not follow my own recommendations?

Like you, I have A LOT going on.  Working full-time on an organic veggie farm, building my business, keeping up with relationships, moving and the list goes on (sound familiar?).

At work, the organic veggie farm, there tends to be a lot of 'junk' food in the break room… donuts, cake, ice-cream bars etc. on an almost daily basis.  Which normally, I honestly do fine around.  I don't care that it's there and don't care about eating it.  I'm not even a big cake person and after eating so well for so many years, not being addicting to fat, sugar and salt, treats rarely tempt me.

However, towards the end of the summer when I was exhausted, physically worked and with everything else going on in life, I walked into the break room and you-betcha, there was cake.  And you know what, I ate some!  

Within that week, after that first initial sugar blast, I ended up eating a chocolate muffin, a donut and another piece of cake all within 5 days.


How to Stop Eating Junk Regularly

How did I stop this pattern of destructive behavior?  

1.  First off, I made up my mind that I just needed to stop because I couldn't let myself go down the junk-food path again.

2.  More importantly, I sanitized my environment or removed myself from unhealthy eating environments to not tempt myself and decrease my chances of eating treats.

This means that at work, I just stopped going in the break room for lunch.  I can't remove other people's food and treats, so I removed myself from them instead (I ate lunch under a tree and enjoyed the beautiful view).

3.  You should never keep treats in your home as well.  This way, if you have a rough day and are hungry and tempted you can't eat ice-cream because it's not there!  

When you try and use will-power to eat healthy, it's only a matter of time until you give-in to foods you shouldn't eat.  That's why it's so important to set-up your environment so it works for you, not against you.

If your husband still eats junk food and you're trying to stop, ask him to move all of the food you don't want to eat into a separate cabinet or to a place in the house where you don't have to see it and know where it is.  Out of sight, out of mind.

4.  Lastly, if you do end up eating some junk don't beat yourself up about it!  Just brush it off and try again.  

5.  If you eat a healthy, plant-based diet 90% of the time and end up eating some cake like I did, it's not that big of a deal (especially because I don't have any diseases).  I eat so well the rest of the time that a piece of cake (or 4) isn't going to do much damage.  

However, if you're eating cake and donuts weekly, meat, cheese, oil and refined flour products daily, you're going to be in trouble and it's highly likely you're going to gain weight or are setting yourself up for diabetes, cancer or heart disease later in life and I don't want to see that happen to you or your family!  

If you're interested in adopting a health-promoting and permanent weight-loss diet learn what to eat here and here.

Take Control Now

How have you stopped eating junk in the past?  What's your biggest insight from this article to share with others?

Answer in the comments section below.

One Way to Get Your Kids Eating More Veggies - the Rainbow

The plant kingdom is abundant in beautiful colors -- a range of purples and blues, shades of greens, yellow, orange, white, brown and red.  Not only do these colors create beautiful works of art, but the colors themselves have health promoting properties as well.  

For example, orange fruits and veggies such as yams, oranges, pumpkins and mangoes are full of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant and immune system strengthener.  

Dark leafy green veggies such as kale and collard greens are high in folate which is essential for cell building and genetic material.

Red plants contain lycopene, a cancer fighter; purple and blue plants have anthocyanins which destroy free radicals and white foods such as garlic and onions contain allyl sulfides which fight caner cells too.

Plus… all of these foods are naturally low in calories, fat, contain zero cholesterol and all of them contain fiber!  Whole plant foods are essential for your health and weight loss goals!

Remembering to 'eat the rainbow' is a simple way for you and your children to learn about and eat more of these whole, plant foods.  

I've taught almost more than 2,500 children from K-12th grade about the importance of eating the different colors and students had a lot of fun doing so.

If your child is pre-K to 1st grade, you can have them gather different fruits and vegetables into their respective color groups.  You can do this at home, at the grocery store, at the farmer's market, in the garden or while unpacking groceries.  

For older students, I've used bingo boards with different colored columns.  Each block within a color column has a fruit of veggies picture on it.  As the bingo caller, you call out a color column and a random fact about a particular fruit or veggie in that column.  The students raise their hand to guess which plant they think it is.

These games are even better if you get to eat a rainbow meal as well such as fruit salad or a veggie wrap with hummus or avocado after the game.  

Take Control Now

Are you eating the rainbow everyday?  Are your grandkids?  What's one way you can incorporate more colors into your daily diet?

Answer in the comments section below.